Bob and Francesca did a fabulous job on selling my grandmothers house! They have done nothing but help me and my family. From signing to sold it was 4 weeks! Our heads were spinning! When 65 years of clutter wasn't out by the deadline, they showed up with a uhaul and put the rest in storage!; my family doesnt move very quickly lol.
Renovated the necessities and with 2 open houses we got 150 000 over asking! Not to mention 2 other properties in the immediate area still haven't moved for the same price and newly remodeled.. If you want ACTION The JOSHNSTON Group is the obvious CHOICE! As an ADDED PLUS, he helped me not only LOOK for a new place but helped me MOVE, CLEAN AND PAINT (life savor), FOUND my mom a BEAUTIFUL home which is wheelchair accessible for my brother and helped her move ALSO (which wasn't an easy task) Its settling when the people you hire have the KNOWLEDGE and the EXPERIENCE to move through the toughest tasks with EASE and GRACE. Nothing ruffles this guys feathers! So needless to say they are now helping my CLIENTS and FRIENDS. They're the GIFT that keeps on GIVING for sure! Thank you so much to FRAN and BOB! You two are the PERFECT TEAM!